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  4. 975Gun


Your Price: $0.00
Part Number: 975Gun
Availability: Back Order.
  • Shrinkfast #975 heat gun
  • Entering its 30th year of production, the model 975 is the most durable heat tool in the shrink-wrap market
  • At only 3.3 lbs. with a rugged aluminum body, the 975 is the heat tool of choice for dozens of distributors around the world
  • APPLICATIONS: Boats (any size), industrial or agricultural machinery, aircraft, helicopters, cars, trailers, and motorcycles. Anything shipped on a pallet: boxed products, canned goods, bricks, and any odd-shaped items. Weather proofing job sites, heating pavement, bending PVC pipe, winter storage of equipment, containment protection for bridges and buildings.
  • Special order item
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